Si les interesa confirmar las atrocidades de la guerra que tanto se denuncian, los invitamos a ver el vídeo publicado por terceros en que se ve cómo militares norteamericanos asesinan a ocho civiles desde un helicóptero, entre ellos dos periodistas de la agencia Reuters. Este crimen ocurrió en el 2007, pero las autoridades militares trataron de encubrir los hechos haciendo falsas declaraciones públicas, según surge de las noticias que se ayer en la prensa de todo el mundo.
José R. Bas
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Collateral Murder - Wikileaks - Iraq has obtained and decrypted this previously unreleased video footage from a US Apache helicopter in 2007. It shows Reuters journalist Namir Noor-Eldeen, driver Saeed Chmagh, and several others as the Apache shoots and kills them in a public square in Eastern Baghdad. They are apparently assumed to be insurgents. After the initial shooting, an unarmed group of adults and children in a minivan arrives on the scene and attempts to transport the wounded. They are fired upon as well. The official statement on this incident initially listed all adults as insurgents and claimed the US military did not know how the deaths ocurred. Wikileaks released this video with transcripts and a package of supporting documents on April 5th 2010 on